Events for May 15, 2024 - February 20, 2024

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Transform Fresno Annual Summit

Sunset Community Center 1345 W. Eden Ave., Fresno, CA, United States

This year’s Transform Fresno Summit is a six-stop tour across project sites beginning with the Inside Out Community Garden at Sunset Community Center. The tour will continue with the Yoville Community Garden and Farm, The Monarch @ Chinatown, the Clean Shared Mobility Hub at Fresno Metro Black Chamber of Commerce, the Saint Rest Food to Share Hub, the Fresno City College- West Campus, and we will return to Sunset to conclude with a presentation from…

Love Your Home | Solar Savings!

Sunset Community Center 1345 W. Eden Ave., Fresno, CA, United States

Join us to learn more about how solar or weatherization can help save you money! Lunch will be provided and we will have gift card giveaways! Registration is required. Register today! ASK ABOUT FREE SOLAR! For more information on eligibility call: (559) 263-1588 Or

93706 Art Fest! @ Art Hop

1920 Mariposa Ave 1920 Mariposa Ave, Fresno

Showcasing community resilience and joy through art! This event will happen June 1st in partnership with the Fresno EOC Art Hop team. Join us! If you are an artist or musician who lives, works, or goes to school in the Transform Fresno project area we'd love to have your art showcased!

June Community Meeting

1600 Fulton St., Fresno CA 93721

Please join Transform Fresno and the Clean Shared Mobility Network at the Biz-Werx Innovation and Mobility Hub to discuss Shared Mobility projects in Fresno. Come out to test ride the new electric bikes! Refreshments will be served!

What’s new with CSMN? Mixer!

1600 Fulton St., Fresno CA 93721

Haven't had a chance to check out the Mobility Hub? You're in luck! Join us at the 'What's new? Mixer!" Come out to test ride the new electric bikes! Refreshments will be served!

93706 Art Fest @ Sunset!

Sunset Community Center 1345 W. Eden Ave., Fresno, CA, United States

Come paint with us, drum with us, and eat with us! The 93706 Art Fest is back and this time at the Sunset Community Center! Bring the whole family out as we create art, experience art, and enjoy in community! Drop by our vendor's booths to learn more about available resources. This is a family event for all to enjoy- we can't wait to see you all there!